Hittade en väldigt söt "JEDWARD" choklad! Om jag hade köpt den vet jag
nog inte om jag hade ätit den faktiskt..
riktigt gullig =;)
Vet förresten inte var man kan köpa den, eller om det bara är en "Limited Edition".
mailet från John och Edward
“We get hate mail and vicious letters. Some of the hate mail is so bad X Factor haven’t let us see it. It’s hard when we have to go out and perform and be happy and confident and smiley because we know if we slip up they’ll come after us. I haven’t been sleeping for the last two or three nights. Websites say, ‘John and Edward are s***’. I get so upset by it I can’t sleep. It goes round and round i...n my head. We walk down the street and people say, ‘There’s those losers’. We’ve had a gang come up to us saying, ‘There’s those twins’ and they came after us. We had to run away. We know there are a lot of people who hate us. We were in the street walking to our dance class when a whole family came past in a black car and shouted out, ‘We hate you. You’re w******’. Edward was shaken up and very upset. I had to calm him down and tell him not to think about it. All we want is for people to love us. It hurts us and our family.”
John and Edward Grimes.
Jedward i Eurovision 2012
Jedward har redan fått förslag på olika låtar men kommer den vara lika bra som Lipstick?

Jedward är svenska medborgare snart ... ? !
Jedward har lämnat BB huset som ni vet .. ?
Jedward converse #2
De var ju hur coola som helst haha =;)
Varför har jag inte sett de tidgare ?! xd
Klicka på länken där upp för att komma till sidan, Victory är din för 139 :- + gratis frakt !
Jedward Announce Concert in Sweden!Wednesday 17th August

After the huge success after their appearance on TV4’s “Abbey Road” and to celebrate the album release of “Victory” Jedward will be playing a gig in Sweden!
Tickets to the gig will be released this Friday
According the Swedish press Sweden love Jedward and Jedward love Sweden – a true love story!
Date: Sept 17th
City: Stockholm
Venue: Fryshuset/Arenan
Tickets on-sale from Friday 19th August - click here
JEDWARD have had a special clause written into their Big Brother contract so they never face the chop.
But the X Factor twins are not escaping eviction. It is to spare their hair.
John and Edward Grimes, 19, have told CBB bosses their spiky barnets are their trademark and they will not do anything in the house which could result in them losing their locks.
In recent Big Brother series house-mates have had to hack off their hair for tasks.
BB9’s Mikey Hughes, 35, and Darnell Swallow, 29, were among the contestants who had to fill a jar with their hair to win booze and cigarettes.
So Jedward made sure their hair is protected as part of their £1million deal for the Channel 5 show.
Their outrageous quiffs are globally famous. When they met US President Barack Obama, 50, he even gave the hairdos his seal of approval.
A show source said: “Jedward cannot afford to lose their hair. It’s helped to make them famous."
Hinner inte översätta ..
En person jag känner jobbade med Jedward och hon sa att den enda gången dom hade stått still var när dom stirrade på en stor fläkt!
haha den e lite kort!"
hahahha =:)
Kul att du delade med dig !
Btw, så svarar jag bara på frågor i Blogresponse-lådan ! Tycker det blir bäst så ! '
Och jag ska få en ny domän, btw !
det kommer att bli om några dagar =;)
så ny design blir det inte på den här -bloggen
Men kanske kommer att ha headern som gjorde åt mig, tack Hanna, för att du gjorde den !
fast isf får jag ändra texten
Visst är den söt? =:)

Brian Dowling is hoping X Factor twins Jedward will enter the house and spark yet another Big Brother meltdown.
Dowling is also keen for the Irish virgins to seduce Baywatch babe Pamela Anderson – if all three make the cut.
‘I’ve heard lots of rumours about Jedward,’ he told me, describing the 19-year-olds as his ‘dream line-up’.
Dowling said the pair could be the key to another celeb breakdown, following Vanessa Feltz and Nikki Grahame’s hysterics.
‘They will push people to the edge,’ he added. ‘I would love to see someone having a meltdown at the hands of Jedward!’
As for a ménage à trois with Anderson, 44, he said: ‘Could you imagine? That would be a three-way from hell. We want to see a bit of romance – everyone wants to see that.’
Should it happen, it will definitely be caught on camera. ‘You can’t hide unless you are under the duvet,’ warned Dowling, who is hoping for another shock appearance.
‘I’d love to say, “Celebrity housemate No.3 is Davina McCall”,’ he laughed. ‘That would be amazing.’
Celebrity Big Brother starts on Thursday 18 August on channel 5.
Source: Metro
Brian Dowling and Emma Willis appeared on Lorraine this morning and shared some of their wishes for the upcoming series of Celebrity Big Brother.
The reality TV show relaunches on Thursday night, on Channel 5 and though neither presenter would confirm the names of any of the stars taking part, they did comment on a few of the rumours.
On reports that X Factor singers Jedward are on the lineup, Dowling said:
I hope Jedward are going in! I was obviously a contetsant and a winner and I’m also a huge fan of the show, so for me someone like Jedward would be amazing. I wouldn’t want to live with them but as a viewer I would want them to push those celebrities to within an inch of their lives, that what’s you want to see.
Emma added:
And if anyone can do that, Jedward can do it.
Source: Unreality TV
Konsert den 17:e !!
Jedward will perform at Fryshuset in Stockholm on Sept 17th. Tickets go on general release on Friday or exclusive pre sale tomorrow from
John and Edward will also be at the Blog awards at the Kista Galleria on the same day.
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Om ni scrolla ner på sidan , så kan man se olika avsnitt från 2010 . .
Premiären är på nästa torsdag.

Jedward i FRIDA

Elin (tjejen som vann) är/var verkligen lyckligt lottad !